Top 10 Gifts for New moms

When it comes to visiting a ‘newborn’ the gifts are mostly for babies. What about the new mom? Here I compile the top 10 gifts for new moms, I think best.

Baby Sitting:

Yes. You are reading it right. The new mom’s most yearning need would be a break from routines.( That sounds selfish??!!! But that’s true.) So If you wanna give the most useful and memorable gift then babysit for some time. Give her a break. Ask her to go to a movie in nearby cinemas or to a dinner with her partner or a quick shopping. Or maybe an undisturbed sleep for a couple of hours. Believe me, new moms deserve for this and would appreciate it.

Homemade Delicious food:

I remembered my time as a ‘new mom’. I was in my mom’s home. Though my mom was with me and we had a domestic help for everything except cooking( Which my mom didn’t want to have) we were tired most of the time for cooking. As my elder one was colic and reflux baby we almost awake every night with him. (Though I insisted on appointing a cook my mom was adamant and didn’t ready to allow anyone into her kitchen).Then when one day my aunt(Mom’s sister) called and announced she is coming with a ‘homemade lunch’ we were more than grateful. We enjoyed that meal like anything. For every ‘baby visiting guest,’  the host need to prepare snacks/food. For a change prepare a delicious food for a new mom. They would appreciate it.

Gift Card:


Instead of buying the things already a mom had or duplicates of other visitor’s (I received 3 carry beds from different guests) gift,’ Gift card’ is a great option.A gift card from a  reputed gift shop/newborn shop/maternity or mom shop or any online stores like amazon, Flipkart would be very useful. They can buy what they need.



As I loved the book ” Guide to Child Care By R.K Anand “, I want to gift it to every new mom/parents. I am assuring you this would be the best gift for them. To know more about the book, Click the following link.

The book, every Indian parents should have.

Nursing Pillow:

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A good nursing pillow would be a great gift. It will make the nursing more comfortable. To know more about nursing pillow click the following link.

Nursing Pillow in India


Diaper Bag:

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This gonna be a new mom’s essential for few years.  And every mom would appreciate this. Buy a  bag which can accommodate all newborn needs.

Rocking/Gliding Chair:


It’s a common gift in U.S which I  value as a great gift for new mom. With a rocking chair, it’s easy to calm the newborn by holding in hands/lap. ( Unlike our traditional hammock, where the mom can’t hold the baby while rocking)

Baby Record Book:

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Though so many apps are there to record your babies milestones and other memorable things I prefer a handy book. Mom can record from baby’s sonograph, hospital ring, home arrival pics etc.Buy one with a lot of space for photos and little baby’s foot and hand prints. 

Mom Care Products:


Instead of buying a baby care products( Which anyway lot of guests would buy) buy a mom care products. That includes a nice pampering body wash, essential oils, stretch mark creams, home pedicure kit etc).


Other things:

  • A flask: Which would help to make a herbal teas /formulas etc.
  • Hot massage bag: This one will help to relieve the back pain.
  • A Dry erase board with a pen:I don’t know what I would do without this. Though many apps are there for making notes and writing your shopping lists  I prefer this as It’s handy and more visible than mobile apps. As the first few months would be with lot of forgetfulness(Thanks to the mom hormone, lack of sleep) this would be of great use.

Let me know, what gift would you prefer  as a new mom in the comment section.

Linking this post to #mondaymommymoments hosted by Amrita and Deepa.


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